Friday, August 26, 2011

If your house is burning down, and you can only grab one item.....

Which is most important to you, money or memories.

There can be only one answer. If you have 120 seconds to get out of your house and cannot go back in as it is on fire, what do you grab? Let's say you have five thousand in cash, precious jewelry either you bought, or was handed down as a family heirloom, valued art, and lots of photos of kids and family.

For years I have told people when it is time for my wife's birthday or any occasion where she might receive a gift, just get her a decent photo album and she will be thrilled. We have a huge piece of furniture that is filled with many albums, and she hasn't even used half of her pictures of our girls. (And us too, but many of the girls)

I know for a fact that having those valuables mentioned and more that were listed my wife would easily grab the photos of the girls and hopefully she would get out with plenty and not get burned. She would simply look at me and suggest I get busy replacing the valuables right away as our memories of the past with our family and those kids are both precious and priceless, and irreplaceable.

I watched a video on YouTube that turned out to be an advertisement for Google chrome; at least I think it was. This was about a man who started taking pictures of his girl from birth to by the time they had a second child and photographed great interaction between the two and of course, their own personal precious and priceless moments, that went by very quickly. He had a look of being very justified in taking all the photos. I feel in this case, technology definitely got this one right.

While I am not a huge fan of "home movies", this video piece was compelling and of course, thus "begged the question". Do you keep photo albums of your kids and family? Do you make home movies of priceless moments? One thing is for sure, most of us do not value money as a top priority. All of us value family, friends, health, money, spirituality, work, and our minds in different orders of least to most importance. Since money is one of seven values, mathematically it stands to be a lower value for most. Time, is the one "commodity" that is non-renewable and a super high value relative to our life and short time here.

As I look back at my family and our adventures I can see much in my mind still. The photos take our memories into greater detail and invoke tremendous feelings within ourselves and allow us to relive those moments over and over. In the end, my gratitude goes out to engineers and scientists and all those smart inventor developer type persons who show, sometime, technology does still get it right.

Dr. Mike

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